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Harnessing the Sun: Empowering Communities Through Solar Energy Training

At Hope for a Better Future Vocational Training Institute (HOBEFI), we are committed to equipping individuals with the skills needed to drive sustainable change. Our recent two-day Solar Energy Workshop was a transformative experience, empowering participants with practical knowledge in solar technology and installation. Hands-On Learning for Real-World Impact: Throughout the workshop, students delved into… Continue reading Harnessing the Sun: Empowering Communities Through Solar Energy Training

HOBEFI Partners with H4BF on Youth4Climate Project to Empower Communities with Green Energy Solutions

Nkambe, Donga Mantung Division – July 17, 2024 Hope for a Better Future Vocational Training Institute (HOBEFI) is thrilled to announce our active partnership with Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) on the groundbreaking Youth4Climate Project. This initiative aims to tackle the pressing energy crisis in the Donga Mantung Division, exacerbated by the ongoing Anglophone… Continue reading HOBEFI Partners with H4BF on Youth4Climate Project to Empower Communities with Green Energy Solutions

Empowering women as clean energy entrepreneurs

In the renewable energy sector, women account for around 32% of overall employment, compared to 22% in the more traditional oil and gas sector. On the one hand, this indicates that women are underrepresented in the energy sector as a whole, but on the other hand, it demonstrates that renewable energy, as a younger and… Continue reading Empowering women as clean energy entrepreneurs